Tuesday, February 14, 2012

There are no atheists on toilets.

After eating an entire box of chocolate-covered chocolate chip granola bars, which contains a total of 8 chocolate-covered chocolate chip granola bars, I feel like:

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All of the above.

*WARNING: Consuming multiple pounds of granola treats may cause death. Buoyed by the sudden onslaught of so much sugar and bloated with oat-fueled fearlessness/powerful gas, you may experience feelings of invincibility. However, these feelings will prove tragically erroneous if you engage in epic feats, like bear-fighting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Catherine it's Anna from Americorps. I have added your site to my blog roll on the side bar of my blog
    I hope that is okay, as I say some horrible stuff on my blog.
    I like this site very much, keep up the good work!
    PS- you already have more followers than I do.
