Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Dinner Party

Guest List:
  • A modern-day glam rocker and his heartfelt homage to the band that changed his life. (“All the lyrics on the album will be ‘Queen, Queen, Queen’ just over and over. Very modern. Post-modern.”)
  • Susan B. Anthony, resurrected and disappointed in today’s romantic comedies.
  • A Titanic re-enactor.
  • B. Anthony’s date, in the brokerage business. Slightly racist, slightly overweight, but a very charming conversationalist.
  • The talk of the art world, that precocious 4-year-old abstract expressionist. Her pet elephant, the talk of the art world. The elephant prefers realism and landscapes, has no time for abstraction—a point of contention with her 4-year-old owner.
  • A local grad student, writing his thesis on America’s declining social importance in the global marketplace. After finding one of his long black hairs in the mashed sweet potato and garlic compote, Susan B. fires him and complains to the catering company.
Don’t miss the karaoke following brandy and cigars in the parlor!

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